In 1991, two years after its founding, Teach For America began placing teachers in the Mississippi Delta. In 2009, Delta State University was selected as the eighth national training location for the organization and the first in a rural area, joining Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, and Phoenix.
During TFA Institute, participants are enrolled in 9.0 graduate-level credit hours with Delta State University. These courses are housed in the College of Education & Human Sciences, specifically the Teacher, Educational Leadership and Research department. Course Equivalents and Course Descriptions:
CUR 592 Instructional Planning & Delivery is equivalent to DSU’s CEL 610
CEL 610. EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. A study of the characteristics of effective teaching in the elementary school with emphasis on research and literature in the field. 3 (CEL 610 – Syllabus – Revised 2020)
CUR 592 Literacy Development is equivalent to DSU’s CRD 624
CRD 624. LITERACY INSTRUCTION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Selection and use of materials and teaching strategies for systematic reading and writing instruction utilizing the essential elements of reading, specific to phone- mic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension in grades 1-6; study of appropriate instructional strategies for diverse learners; selection and use of materials and instructional strategies for teaching reading and writing in the content areas. 3 (CRD 624 – Syllabus – Revised 2020)
CUR 592 Classroom Management and Culture is equivalent to DSU’s CEL 611
CEL 611. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. A study of effective techniques for management and discipline in the classroom setting. Emphasis placed on current research and literature. 3 (CEL 611 – Syllabus – Revised 2020)
CUR 592 Special Topics in Assessment and Evaluation is equivalent to DSU's CEL/CUR 612
CUR/CEL 612. DEVELOPMENT, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION. A study of assessment and evaluation theory based on developmental criteria from cognitive, social, language, motor, and affective domains. This course may be cross-listed (combined) with other sections of the same course or with another course with similar enough content to warrant combination. 3 (CEL 612 – Syllabus – Revised 2020)
TFA Alumni have the opportunity to continue their education with Delta State by obtaining a graduate-level degree. Click the “Apply Now” button below to make application for your graduate degree today!
The TFA Graduate Fellows Program, a partnership between DSU and TFA, is offered to TFA Alumni who have completed their two-year teaching commitment. This opportunity allows TFA Alumni to further their education at Delta State, while also participating in impactful social innovation that can lead to creating the future they envision for themselves and their community. Each cohort of social entrepreneurs consist of 8-12 Teach For America Alumni who pursue their own individualized project addressing barriers in the community; the cohort regularly convenes to share experiences in a collaborative environment. By participating in this program, TFA Alumni apply their passion towards goals to help reimagine what is possible for Mississippi. Click the button below to learn more!
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The Office of Academic Affairs
Kent Wyatt Hall 228
Cleveland, MS 38733
P: 662-846-4010